How To Identify and Dress For Your Eye Shape

Eye Shapes

You know we all love a good makeup tutorial here and there to spice up our makeup routine. Especially the ones where they end up looking like a Kardashian at the end of it and then we run out and buy everything they used and plan our attack on our face. We call up girlfriends and schedule a night out. And if you are really excited, you even buy an outfit to go along with your sexy new makeup.

Then you sit at your makeup table, maybe even with your pregame drink for your night out with the girls. Then you actually start doing your makeup. Why doesn't the eyeshadow look as dark on me? Why is this purple so red?? WHY ISNT IT LOOKING THE SAME?!?!

Then we panic and run back to the computer and set up the makeup around the computer and decide to actually try it step-by-step. Maybe it's the brushes? Maybe it's how I'm moving my brush. Maybe it's because I didn't pick up the primer cause I didn't think I needed it? While it could very well be all of those reasons, it's most likely going to be because you have a completely different skin tone, face shape and eye shape. Not saying you will never be able to achieve the looks you want because of these differences, however it is going to take some education about your face. And well, just call me teacher.

Today marks the first blog about eye shapes. I am going to explain the different eye shapes and then throughout a couple blogs I will begin to explain how to work with them. Because I'm the nice person that wants to make your life easier. 

I'm going to have you take a look at the picture and guess which one you fall into.

Here are two different examples to help you identify your eye shape. If you were to guess yours, what do you think yours would be?

Now, take a look at my eye. Tell me what you think my eye shape would be? After I get some guesses I will be posting another blog with the answer and also with how to do makeup for my shape. Then it will continue on with the other shapes.

I wanted to give you a few examples because for whatever reason, I cannot seem to just look straight into a camera. Excited to hear your responses!



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